Friday, 26 April 2013


My husband bought this Small Paul T-shirt for the little guy a while ago, both of us thinking that it will be months before it fits... We can't believe that he is growing up sooooo fast! He looks like a little DJ, just like his Daddy.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Like I have mentioned before, I have been obsessed with finding leggings for the boy. So I bought a pack of three (with feet on) from Pick n Pay a while ago. I was very quickly made to know that we don't like feet on our leggings So instead of just passing these on to a less foot-fussy child, my mother did a bit of sewing magic, and now we have three pairs of footless leggings to wear! Thanx granny! I know the jersey is also super duper, but I'll write about this with a better photo later.


I must admit that I paid way too much for this shirt - but just look at it - it's flippin cute! Worth every penny I spent on it, and at least it came with a khaki vest that can be worn underneath. It's new, and it's from Woolworths - go get! 

Thursday, 11 April 2013


It's finally time to put your kid into a cuddly animal outfit again! Nothing can be cuter than a cute kid in a cute hoodie... makes me want to cuddle the little man soooo much. I've got to be careful not to get too much like Elmyra from Tiny Toons: "I'm gonna hug you and kiss you and love you forever". 

Monday, 8 April 2013


This post feels like déjà vu. The white vest and blue jeans combination is just to good to not have mentioned before. A really good white vest is key, and with kids clothes being so cheap, it's quite hard to find a good white vest that doesn't stretch out after the first wash. I have done my homework here, and can confidently say that the best buy is from Ackermans. You get these plain white vests in packs of two, they keep their shape, and they don't cost a fortune either.


I have been accused for being too matchy matchy, and this outfit just confirmed this to me. Everything is blue and red and red and blue... I need help. 


My husband hates these shoes, and my boy just loves them. I think that for my husband, they are just too close to being Crocs for his fashionable comfort, but the boy thinks they look like bugs and that makes them cool! These shoes might look like Crocs, but theydefinitely are not. In actual fact they are rip-offs found in Dullstroom's general dealers - Arbee's Supermarket. This place is a gem if you have some time, and don't mind dusty fingers after picking your way through they layers of stuff collected over the years. A few more finds from Arbee's will be shown as soon as it gets a little colder.  

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


The little guy is totally obsessed with cars, or Ka-Ka as he like to call them. My sister caught onto this and did us a huge favor by buying him a jersey with some Ka-Ka (not Poo-Poo) on the other day. No he not only looks flippin cute, but he has his own set of cars on his tummy to look and point and shout at when he catches a glimpse in the mirror. Thank you sis!